okay..I ended up in giving up what sort of song I need to search which I was not good at in finding.... anyway its pretty tough...plus there is too many genre I have to search...how can I possibly to memorize that different kind of song...phew...a big problem there....if only I can bring it to audition and sing along with it... so tell me I cant, so I didn't ended up in regretful rejected.... ok...so here are the list which I probably or shall I called it "the will song"...
Genre -------> song
Rock_Tragedi Oktober by Awie (a fan of him)
Dangdut_Goyang Inul by Inul Itself (sort of figuring nothing more I can memorize more than this)
Jazz_Bunyi Gitar by P.Ramlee(owh...A big fan of him,how I wish he still alive)
Joget_Pantun Budi by Tan Sri Dato'SM Salim
Asli_Cindai by Siti Nurhalizah (hahahaha,I dont know what other selection I have)
*hahaha....What to do?? do I need to embarass myself infront of the judges for this audition sake.... Lol...Never have any Idea...I'm still remain confuse...should I or Should not I.... but I do have some extra song for the Dangdut genre just to make myself be calm....its non other than the freakin Lame Wali Band.... but who am I to judge them... at least they made their spot though...
See Ya...wink*
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
The Audition
4:46 PM
yeah...I went to audition yesterday mmm..perhaps I just woke up a few hours back...hahaha... I ended up in bed till the next day since yesterday...didnt realize it though...ok my audition was not that good at all plus tiring....it took me to stage 2 which I have to sang a Dangdut,Asli,Rock,joget song which Heck I know....I never have any Idea that the Judges whose is Cikgu Safi and Cat Farish would ask for..hahaah.....so I'll guest It wasn't my right opportunity but for sure I will come again tomorrow for the audition..hehe..so now, what I have to do was to search for the listed genre...hahaha ok then...
Friday, January 28, 2011
Phrase of the day
1:51 AM
"Bisexual means Love for same gender and Satisfaction to opposite one."
*I just create it, blah...blah.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Are you the Next??
12:09 AM
yeah...what will come?? I suppose no need to blabbing much because probably you all know it already... It AKADEMI FANTASIA audition..... omg....I cant stop to think about it.... It made goosebumps all over my body since I know it on saturday ago... I cant sleep properly,all I think about was the audition...is it normal... do you feel the same too....mmm...ok I dont want to put much hope onto this... but for sure I have to set my confident level first.
Yesterday,I sang/perform infront of my cousins and they said it was okay...is it true... I hope so...
so today I have my Aunt to judge me doing the singing.... she said it was ok but kind of I'm exhausted.. I dont have the stamina and I was like forcing my self to the limit.... isn't that good to hear?? bare in mind, its getting ugly when your voice is not yours anymore....my aunty said.... I have to improve my pronunciation, the tempo because I'm easily can "out of tempo" and I like to sing depends on me which I didnt care about the melody perhaps I create my own...hahaa...original what?? so for those who feel like they have the gift of singing..better try on this audition because as what I heard... It would be the last session which will be ended(maybe) I hope not.... so you guys...click here for more info...
*my singing session will continues until the due date.... yeah....what I need to do to suck up the judges attention??
Friday, January 21, 2011
The Social Network
1:37 AM
Yes...I made it to 500 friends in Facebook...eheheh..for some people its not a big deal especially for those who made over thousand friends...who me to judge. anyway its a history for me as written today... I want to make something that I wouldnt forget and I always can revise back when I read this... ok I'll wrote it down properly...
"Today,I am proudly announce that on this day to be exact 21/1/2011.. my Facebook account just reach 500 friends"
Yippee... I made it....yes I am crazy.(if you read this and laugh at it) dont mind though... hehe.. this is the dessert for my breakfast tommorow....just skip it as I already have it...
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Solved Payment
3:45 PM
Yeah..I made it.. I solved my payment... hahaha somehow it has been a really rough day for me... as I went by a Mini Bus which easily can find at Sabah only... I dont know to somewhere else... haahha.... yes... I admit, went by mini bus made me suffocated... haish... On the other hand, I have to return back home using the same transport... haiyah...I can die in that bus with plus the extra ingredient that I have to smell..hahaha... yeah.... so on the way return to my home the bus was fully packed...yes...it is more pain than I ever imagine...pheww... I was sitting on the back which must fullfill by 4 person.... then, as I was sitting there, A Fat PTI( timor) man I'm not trying to be discriminate or insulting them but I didnt know what to call and how to explain them...heheh mm... What should I called them in good way??? mmm.. never mine... please dont kill me... I didnt mean that way...ok back on line... as I was sitting there(the seat was just enough for thin person) and walla.... it was really annoying that he want to push back her ass back to the seat... aiyahh...It is fully packed and I have to V-ing my leg and pity on my balls cannot breath properly(should took them to hospital though) hahaha... and the smell of his armpit.... whooaaa...Omg... how can I barely stand for the stinky smell... shoo..shoo...go away.... please... its killing my (the sound of me talking within heart) my lung stuck..hahaha... so I've made my decision to breath with my mouth so I cant smell the stinky armpit perhaps I have to swallow the taste of it... hahahahah...omg...NO... then I realize that he was on the same way back to my port town and I was like...what the buck.... oh no....please God send some whirlwind to blow away this man..shit...why me... hahah... along the journey of being together with the smell... I saw a little stranger boy approach him and teasing the mans finger.... yes..his finger was made by wood...kidding... Kinda, perhaps... then..hahaha...
The boy look at the man(timor) armpit and says "eeee,,,banyak bulu ketiak"(hairy's armpit)
The mans says "mmg banyak, kenapa suka?" (it is,like it?)... and the boy was speechless a second.. the boy said back "ewww....nda..bau" (no...its smelly) the man was astonish by the boy words... then the boys mother call him to step out as they already arrive at their destination..
I was like...omg... how dare the boy said like that perhaps I am totally on the boy side..... give me a finger boys.... here a dollar for you.... back on journey... as we've just arrive at Lok Kawi. A few people step out...suprisingly the man didnt go seat forward to the empty space.... I'm so freaking mad with this man(timor) omg... didnt he know how pain hell I was sitting beside him...once more pity on my balls...be patience yeah balls...hahaha... then a minute before arrived at our destination...no its not our...its my destination....you are PTI(sorry I dont mean to be rude but I was mentally disorder right now)
The Arrival, Yeah, It was my very own conclusion of my journey today...plus I am happy that as I arrive a person called my name...who tought it was Bryan(one of the villager where I was lived right now)..he is one of the private cab there...and I went home without waiting, happily ever after....the end...Tadaa..
The boy look at the man(timor) armpit and says "eeee,,,banyak bulu ketiak"(hairy's armpit)
The mans says "mmg banyak, kenapa suka?" (it is,like it?)... and the boy was speechless a second.. the boy said back "ewww....nda..bau" (no...its smelly) the man was astonish by the boy words... then the boys mother call him to step out as they already arrive at their destination..
I was like...omg... how dare the boy said like that perhaps I am totally on the boy side..... give me a finger boys.... here a dollar for you.... back on journey... as we've just arrive at Lok Kawi. A few people step out...suprisingly the man didnt go seat forward to the empty space.... I'm so freaking mad with this man(timor) omg... didnt he know how pain hell I was sitting beside him...once more pity on my balls...be patience yeah balls...hahaha... then a minute before arrived at our destination...no its not our...its my destination....you are PTI(sorry I dont mean to be rude but I was mentally disorder right now)
The Arrival, Yeah, It was my very own conclusion of my journey today...plus I am happy that as I arrive a person called my name...who tought it was Bryan(one of the villager where I was lived right now)..he is one of the private cab there...and I went home without waiting, happily ever after....the end...Tadaa..
unsolved Payment
4:17 AM
Today... I mean yesterday I waent to Islamic Bank (Bank Islam) to solve my unsolved education payment.... yes... who knows that I made a mistake and just realize it a week ago.... damn fool.. I started when I'm wondering of why my graduate transcript didnt arrive or posted yet...I'm freaking out that was my money gone just that.. so it come to mind to investigate on my bursary student bill..WALA... there is it...Yes probably I was mistake by paying it trough Machine Teller Deposit (is it right?) which already told not to used it... somehow I didnt notice it before my Friend(thank you friend)told me that I should read the term of Payment...hahahah..Jeng..jeng...jeng... Immediately, bear in my mind It was my fault who didnt read it in the first place... SHi*...then I went to the bank..I thought I have to ask for the counter to return my money back perhaps eventually it was in my account already...Thank God...It was tiring to handle it.. so tommorow/today I have to go once more to solve the Payment...... please Uitm....dont tell me that it was to late.... I'm so freaking out now... so I better solve it real soon or maybe today...yeah...
*Stand like a fool,I should have read it on the first place..see..
*Stand like a fool,I should have read it on the first place..see..
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Are You the next..
2:27 AM
Date : April 2011 (Exact date TBA)
Venue : TBA (tentatively at FUNTHEQUE KL - BUKIT BINTANG)
If you're interested, please send your full details (Full Name, Age, Height, Weight, Email & Contact Number) & 2 Photograph (Full Body & Close-up : normal size)...
Send your entry to : abv.tem@gmail.com
YES... I want to be the Next Mr. Kaamatan... I want....deep down my heart I want it so bad.... but did I have what it takes.... im re-consider about this thing...can I win, or even can I be in and accepted?? should I? would I? Have I? Do I have the boldness?? did I? this question barely questioning me ...what to do???? what to prepare???? so You who has what it takes please come Join.... especially to Kamal Guerado...this is openly for Sabahan bumiputra....yes... you can enter it... heeheh...... so I did asked a few person who are directly connected(maybe) with this event...but I didnt yet send my portfolio.... I need Friend...heheheh..this is some of the question I asked the person...
Date : April 2011 (Exact date TBA)
Venue : TBA (tentatively at FUNTHEQUE KL - BUKIT BINTANG)
If you're interested, please send your full details (Full Name, Age, Height, Weight, Email & Contact Number) & 2 Photograph (Full Body & Close-up : normal size)...
Send your entry to : abv.tem@gmail.com
YES... I want to be the Next Mr. Kaamatan... I want....deep down my heart I want it so bad.... but did I have what it takes.... im re-consider about this thing...can I win, or even can I be in and accepted?? should I? would I? Have I? Do I have the boldness?? did I? this question barely questioning me ...what to do???? what to prepare???? so You who has what it takes please come Join.... especially to Kamal Guerado...this is openly for Sabahan bumiputra....yes... you can enter it... heeheh...... so I did asked a few person who are directly connected(maybe) with this event...but I didnt yet send my portfolio.... I need Friend...heheheh..this is some of the question I asked the person...
Who thought..
1:20 AM
..money cant buy me, yes it does... but for sure a lots of money.. a bucks...mmm get lost... hahaha.... i'm not a whore or gigolo... but i'm a materialistic who keep myself in realistic which made my self to be loved... yes My love =money... High price= high love... but my body was not made for sell... i'm just selling my appearence... everything costs money.. on top of that.. I cant live without it... hahha.... what nonsense im talking .. I want the money by doing nothing...its impossible.....somehow I do wonder if I have had my pride.... which sometime I am desperately need money which lead me to think to somewhere, nowhere direction...hahahah.... Buck that.. forgot it anyway.. I didnt do it... im still can control myself from doing that shit thing... but if the will of God to put me trough on that consequence.. then no more talking.. just walk trough it... heheheh... n bless my self with a pile of Holy water for shower.... hahhaha... joking...if only...but I do feel bless to God for remind me to back on the road and keep my Journey on... owh.. yeah... since its New Year... Last Sunday was the first time I went to Church....but didnt manage to chit-chat with my long lost friends (since I was having entire 3 years in peninsular Malaysia) because my Grandmother are such in rush.... perhaps I went trough meet up my Childhood Neighbor whos her father and my father are Colleague.. I'm so shock when I saw her face...I almost didnt recognize her because she was different... i mean she's suffer of Cancer disease which immediately shock me off and my heart did tears with a blood pump out very fast and I cant stop to look at her.... I want to talk about her disease but I didnt have the boldness to speak it out.. so we just chating nonsense.....I barely cant look anymore...its pain to look at her... perhaps I knew about her disease from my lil sister.... owh so pity for her.... So, what I can do for her is pray, pray to God for her sickness..... AMEN..
*lots of love from me....see ya
*lots of love from me....see ya
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
The lost Video
4:07 PM
hehe,,,this was my lost video which I suppose to put onto my blog but for sure I forgot it once more... heheh.. its is my current favourite... again...
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Facebook Chat
3:28 AM
Someone ask me....
XX : hey there. Chat?
Me : hehey... yeah
XX : Are you single?
Me : yeah... why r?
XX : oh..ok...just asking...glad to hear.
Me : ??
XX: Nevermind
Me : Are you okay?
XX : I'm just asking lah because you are too good to be single.. why?
Me : okay...honestly...im afraid of giving commitment.. I dont feel to be in relationship right now...
XX : oh..ok...so when is your last then??
Me : mmmm.mmm...3 years ago...everyone knows it... are you going to flirt with me...hehehe *blushing
XX : No!why would I? we're dude.. I'm asking for someone else...
Me : owh....I dont mind..do you??hahaha... btw who the hell was it?
XX : hahahaha...yes sure...kidding...one of my friend..interested??
Me : I'm not a whore...whahahah...kidding...i'm not gay. sorry your friend... who was it?? tell me..
XX : owh...what if i told you that I am... : )
XX offline
I didnt made to reply on his because of already offline so I decided to send the chat text via message
Me: owh..okay I dont mind..for sure i'm not gay...what you can give to me if we proceed.. B)
*till then he never reply my message.hahahah..that was hilarious... if you read this... do feel embarrassing.. or message me what you can give?? hahaha
XX : hey there. Chat?
Me : hehey... yeah
XX : Are you single?
Me : yeah... why r?
XX : oh..ok...just asking...glad to hear.
Me : ??
XX: Nevermind
Me : Are you okay?
XX : I'm just asking lah because you are too good to be single.. why?
Me : okay...honestly...im afraid of giving commitment.. I dont feel to be in relationship right now...
XX : oh..ok...so when is your last then??
Me : mmmm.mmm...3 years ago...everyone knows it... are you going to flirt with me...hehehe *blushing
XX : No!why would I? we're dude.. I'm asking for someone else...
Me : owh....I dont mind..do you??hahaha... btw who the hell was it?
XX : hahahaha...yes sure...kidding...one of my friend..interested??
Me : I'm not a whore...whahahah...kidding...i'm not gay. sorry your friend... who was it?? tell me..
XX : owh...what if i told you that I am... : )
XX offline
I didnt made to reply on his because of already offline so I decided to send the chat text via message
Me: owh..okay I dont mind..for sure i'm not gay...what you can give to me if we proceed.. B)
*till then he never reply my message.hahahah..that was hilarious... if you read this... do feel embarrassing.. or message me what you can give?? hahaha
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Photo maniac...
9:30 AM
Q & A time
1:22 AM
Friday, January 14, 2011
The Mini PETA of US
6:16 PM
Yes...when I wrote down the title PETA down... people should immediate can caught what is the insde of my story begin...
as to supporting the PETA organization which has been short by name of "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal' yes... somehow we...which I refer to my family are officially...hahaha has been known as the mini PETA among us... hahaha...its just a teaser of my father who are committed in helping the homeless animal... this recent he has adopted a homeless dog which I dont know if the dog are infected by some disease or didnt... so a little bit awareness overthere... yes..got a little bit scare... My dad found the homeless dog prowling near his workplace..so he decided to took the dog home and adopt it as our new family member which officialy as our zoo member...we named her as our lete previous dog "SHANE" because they have the very similar figure...,..hahaha....this is the picture of her.... it is she.... so whoever knew or lost this dog please let me know....leave your comment for some further information and legal right of her...
6:44 AM
erk..i'm having my flu because of the unstable weather.. well..lately it was heavily rain at my place and the air was too moisture and cold beat the max cold of air-cond.... okok...now I have to live with this fungus in my nose which I have to suck it in every time it went down which is very annoying.... Flu,flu go away...shoo I dont need you...you..you...antibody where are you....I need you here...mmm....why now.... how am I going to continue my singing lesson...*speechless.... can someone help me to suck out this fungus with your mouth...its a dare...later i give you the reward...please...
5:22 AM
Monday, January 10, 2011
Playing with the Webcam "Again"
1:45 AM
It's me singing the train song...HEy' Soul sister. hahaha...I'm just having my time perhaps killing time which I record it on 1 am.... yes im crazy If u're meant to say so...hahaha...so just watch and do comment.. hahaha I'm just an amature singer...non experience...so dont be harsh please....
Sunday, January 09, 2011
Playing with Webcam
2:47 AM


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crossing eyes...LOL |
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