Okay too much talking about the native..now I'm going to present myself indoing this life as a Kadazan-ian should I put the -ian?? hahaha...just for fun...okay...overall I'm proud to be born as Kadazan as my ethnicity, perhaps I will accept any of those etnicity as I born with It... I will try to embrace it... I'm not that kind of person who reject the walk of life that chosen for us...I'm honor to born as one of them but I didnt have full standard qualification to re-present this ethnicity to people eyes... as a matter fact, maybe my qualification of degree was a translater....hahaha..am I kidding...okay...be serious...
I say "I didn't spoke fluently in my native language which is Kadazan but what really matters was I do understand It and I can project to outsiders"
The short conversation~
My Dad Says "How can you even protect or save our native language if you did not start talking with your tongue, then, the next generation will not cover with the language anymore its ahead to extinction, Confirm!!"
I stumble when talking back..With a little voice I say "at least I understand it".
"There is no guarantee in just to understand it, you have to speak it loud so you wouldn't forget it" my Dad says back and it ended the conversation.
The trouble-ish conversation starts when I talk to my sibling with Bahasa mix English... hahha...the funny part is my Dad call my lil sis and bro as "Pilak/Philipin-ian" if they were talking using bahasa... I use to be called that name but I just ignore it..so the Morale values was to keep our family in together was to be faith..
For that I'll Introduce myself in my native Language
"Ngaan oku nopo nga ie Ben Bronson Blasius, au oku apandai do minuat Kadazan" "fail oku tii...ahahah"
"ei toihan oku nopo nga ei basic dau id Kadazan, au oku apandai do mimboos id atarang tapi karatii oku num id tuhun nopo mimboos sabap nopo nga aiso id onu-nunu id suang tutak ku num ontok mimboos om tuhun.. miaga nopo Id tanak do baru balajal do minuat om mimboos" Done
Ok..seriously,it is bad...hahaha...atleast I make an effort to show that I am a Kadazan...I'm not going to explain it.just ask your Kadazandusun friends...hahaha..I do fell embarrass with that petition I wrote because it was not my best...I have to improve a lot...perhaps not only Kadazan but English too..grammar sucks yeah..atleast i know it and I have it...
Do you???
avasi gia ihno oncon nga... blajar vagu lah....
p/s : sy pun pandai menulis sama dingar sija.... cakap sy tia brpa... jum bljr lagi ~ kici
oo boh...hehe....basic nopo ti..au poh noupgrade to next level..hahah..aiso do toihaan tii...
so mau blajar yg lg mendalam... hahaha... org tgk sy ber-bahasa kadazan yg fail pun ketawa ow...hahaha.....
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