Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Heyh.... tahun ini sy sempat dtg juga Kaamatan, well busy dgn study b4 this n sya miss the Chirstmas n new year day.....shait.....
mmm.....ntahlah...mcm this year maw participate more then the past few years... n this year ada satu Ke-baru-an.....yeah... additional t-shirt made for all the family of Moluni Lee n Jiangki Galut... doesnt the name sound weird...hahaha....apa2 ja lah.... coz they r my Family....i am part of them..mau buat mcna lg... but LOve them...

This i my Family wearing the t-shirt made By Augustine Aloysius a.k.a Boy... doesnt it look wearing the M size n it is fit for me... haish...knapa pndai ber-speaking plak ni...

this year, again? kena rasmi y.a.b Ghulam.... ntah mcmna mau eja...haha...main bantai je lah... tp mcm this year mmg saya waste sangat..hehe..itu nti sy bg story..there is my grand parents they still totally health... ntah apa dorg mkn...n i am impress bcoz dorg still igt sy... sbb i tot dorg sda nyayuk...thank god....but i love both of them....

mmm...ntahlah ap mau ckp..... ok back to the main topik.. it was me who spoil everything.... n my Fmily get mad on me...

and i am very feel guilty..hahah...what is it sound when ur family blamed u...

LOL.... but i totally forgot already about thatn when my dad send me home he said to me"klu ko mutah dalam kereta saya AWAS"....haha....n my mum says "ko mabuk, ko muntah, ko jadi perhatian orang" and i am like WTF... is it really happened...ow shit...maybe too late to undo the crime..hahaha is it???but my family and cousin keep refresh it like i am the only or main attraction on that mmg sayalah...hehehehe....mau bt mcna..sda jadi kn....n there is a video of it but mcm i am very ashamed to show it...hahaha heres the pic... my Cousin Barry Julius tgh mententeramkan sy...haish...sangat malu...
Here are the list who is tuba-ing@ paksa minum me..haaha...:

a) Barry Julius.
b) Richard Kiew
c) Ronald Kiew
d) Castello
e) Bobby Julius...

*dorg semua ditangkap bersalah...hahaha...

it is funny to look at my face when got drung... full of silliness coming trough my mouth which mean I puke...hahahah....DESTROY THE FLOOR...n it happen twice... my older brothe n my mummy help me to get the floor cleannn...... Wahhh....such a kind and nice family...Love them....

Btw I almost forgot the drink that blow me out... i've banned it for the entire of my life which is Montoku and Tapai...which is Sabahan Traditional alcohol drinks....n it get me so yuckkkkksss....bweeekkkk.....y should was the first time i drink alot of it.....hahha...
n that all for today... n i am very thanked to people who read this...thanks....all your comment are pleasure


Anonymous said...

kesiannya..xpe family nko gak 2...

Unknown said...

haish....mana bolh.... even dgn family sndiri pun kna malu lah....

Anonymous said...

hihi lek ko cuz, 1 kali ja tu.. hihi lepas tdk mcm tu suda tu.. bukan mabuk bah "PENAT JUAL TIKET" haha tu lah...

Unknown said...

haha...siapakah smua anonymous ni.... 2 la bah 2...
jual tiket mmg penat...haahhaha