Friday, October 29, 2010


Well, singing was my passion... talking about singing. Its been a favourite of mine to SOL at the bathroom.. everywhere... even my friend ask me to shut up... wahahha...I guess my voice are so bad...LOL... but... I want to pursue my passion to the next level... I want to have an own album... I want it so bad.. I could kill somebody who cross my line... hahaha JK... well, I do notice that my dad are so busy with his band group... to me.. perhaps my parents never been a good supporters at all... well, my sibling also know that.. but what good is their never complaining if i was too loud... maybe that shows them how their being so supportive... i appreciate it... I think i will try an audition for a reality show...mmm...I guess I'm so nervous when be in front of of people but then how about the judges... aiyohh.. I was speechless... my mouth barely can't open.. it been glue by those nervous... how I going to make it.... I never have the experience....I do think that I should just give up... but my friend ask me too.... well... I told my self, I should give a shot, why not...well this carrier is about the passion and the money... what important is, the Experience... yes...

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